No solid proof exists to confirm the existence of an advanced civilization in Antarctica before it was covered in ice. However, some believe ancient maps hint at the possibility of lost knowledge. One of the most cited pieces of evidence by proponents of this theory is the Piri Reis map, a 16th-century world map showing parts of Antarctica’s coastline without ice. Supporters argue that this suggests ancient mariners must have charted the continent long before it was frozen, possibly during a warmer period of thousands of years ago.
The theory also speculates that a highly advanced civilization may have thrived on the continent before a cataclysmic event or the onset of glaciation buried it beneath miles of ice. However, no archaeological or geological evidence supports the existence of such a civilization.

Scientists agree that Antarctica has been covered in ice for millions of years, making the idea of human settlement there highly unlikely. Most experts attribute the details on the Piri Reis map to a combination of medieval cartographic errors and knowledge of other known coastlines. Despite the lack of proof, the idea of a lost Antarctic civilization remains popular in fringe theories and speculative history.