There is no verified evidence that humans have unknowingly interacted with beings from other dimensions, though some individuals claim to have had unexplained experiences that they interpret as such. These accounts often involve strange visions, encounters with mysterious entities, or phenomena that defy known physical laws. Some theorists suggest that these experiences could be related to beings from alternate dimensions or parallel realities, an idea popular in both science fiction and fringe science.
In theoretical physics, concepts like extra dimensions and parallel universes are explored in models such as string theory and the multiverse hypothesis. However, there is no scientific consensus or empirical proof that sentient beings inhabit these dimensions or that humans have ever interacted with them.

Many unexplained experiences are attributed to psychological phenomena, altered states of consciousness, or neurological conditions. Despite the lack of hard evidence, the possibility of other-dimensional contact continues to intrigue both scientists and the public. For now, it remains an open question rooted in speculation and personal interpretation rather than established fact.