Tesla’s funding was cut, and his ideas on wireless power were never fully developed, but no clear suppression conspiracy exists. He was a brilliant inventor who dreamed of transmitting wireless electricity across long distances. He even built Wardenclyffe Tower, a massive structure designed to send power through the air without wires. However, Tesla’s main investor, J.P. Morgan, pulled funding because he saw no way to profit from free energy. Without financial support, Tesla had to abandon the project.
Some believe his work was deliberately suppressed by powerful energy companies that wanted to protect their business in wired electricity. However, no solid evidence exists that Tesla’s research was hidden or destroyed. Instead, many scientists at the time were skeptical about the feasibility of wireless power, and Tesla lacked the resources to prove his ideas worked on a large scale.

Today, wireless power exists in forms like radio waves, Wi-Fi, and phone charging pads. However, transmitting electricity over long distances without wires remains a challenge due to energy loss and efficiency issues. While Tesla’s vision was ahead of its time, it was more limited by technology and funding than by an active conspiracy to suppress his work.