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Is the Great Pyramid of Giza aligned with celestial bodies by design?

    The pyramids align with cardinal directions and Orion’s Belt, but whether this was intentional or coincidental remains debated. The Great Pyramid of Giza is almost perfectly aligned with true north, south, east, and west, which suggests that the ancient Egyptians had advanced knowledge of astronomy and engineering. Some experts believe they used the stars or the Sun’s shadow to achieve this precise alignment.

    Another interesting theory is that the three pyramids of Giza are positioned to match Orion’s Belt, a group of three bright stars in the constellation Orion. Some researchers suggest this alignment had a spiritual meaning, as Orion was connected to Osiris, the Egyptian god of the afterlife. This could mean the pyramids were built to help pharaohs’ souls journey to the stars after death.

    However, not all scholars agree. Some argue that the pyramid alignment with Orion’s Belt is just a coincidence since the match is not exact. Others believe the Egyptians focused more on aligning the pyramids with the Nile River or using practical construction methods rather than basing their design on the stars.