While powerful groups influence politics, no evidence supports a single secret society ruling the world. Many people believe that secret societies, like the Illuminati or Freemasons, secretly control world governments, economies, and global events. These theories suggest that a small group of elites makes major decisions behind closed doors, shaping history without the public knowing.
While it’s true that wealthy and powerful individuals influence politics and business, there is no solid proof that a single hidden organization secretly rules the world. Governments, corporations, and international groups compete and disagree too much for one group to have absolute control. The Illuminati was a real historical group founded in 1776 in Bavaria, but it was banned just a few years later. Today, there is no evidence that it still exists or controls global affairs.

Secret groups do exist, but most are social clubs, business networks, or historical organizations rather than world-controlling masterminds. While the idea of a shadow government is popular in movies and conspiracy theories, the reality is far more complicated and unpredictable.