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Is there scientific evidence that psychic abilities (telepathy, clairvoyance) are real?

    Studies have not conclusively proven psychic abilities beyond chance results. Many people believe in psychic abilities such as telepathy (reading minds), clairvoyance (seeing distant events), or precognition (predicting the future). Some individuals claim to have these powers, and throughout history, there have been stories of people who supposedly possessed extraordinary mental abilities.

    Scientists have tested psychic phenomena in controlled experiments for years. Some studies have shown small effects that suggest something unusual might be happening, but these results are often inconsistent or no stronger than chance. For example, in experiments where participants try to guess hidden cards or predict future events, their success rates are usually no better than random guessing.

    One challenge in proving psychic abilities is that they do not consistently work under controlled conditions. When strict scientific methods are applied—eliminating tricks, biases, or coincidences—the evidence for psychic powers disappears. Many claims of psychic ability have been debunked as fraud, misinterpretation, or psychological effects like coincidence and selective memory.